The Alejandro Site

The Alejandro Site
Minutes from the Alejandro Family Meeting
25 February 2011
Filinvest 1
Janina, Nenette, Mina, Joji, Noel, Bebette, Nic, Pierina
Thank You Card – for Mama
•Text - Joji to draft the text
•Card design - personalized and simple
•Card recipients list:
o- Janina & Joji (to turn over to Friday upon completion)
oGuest Book – Janina to bring over to Filinvest 1
oBebet to start creating list
•Print 500 copies
Christmas 2011
•No celebration in the Philippines this year
•Plan for 2012:
o11 Jan – Mina’s wedding anniversary – no plans yet
o15 Feb – small celebration (whoever can come)
o17 March – Yasser’s wedding + Mama’s celebration(?)
oAll cousins should come (to the wedding or reunions?)
Mass Service in the US
•Joji to schedule a Mass every month at St. Nicholas until March 2012
Family Reunions
•Reunions should be scheduled and planned in good time so everyone can attend
•1st reunion will be Christmas in Manila Dec. 2012
•Everyone (siblings + complete family) should plan for this
•The family mausoleum in Bulacan should be developed/expanded
•Noel and Nic are responsible
oShould be simple
oBuild a chapel
oPut a tombstone for the people buried earlier
Vicente Almazar
•Nenette to have copies made of the book about Vicente A
Family Pictures and Videos
•Should be scanned and/or printed
•Create family tree with pictures
•Send copies to all siblings (?)
•Bebet and Pierina are responsible
Mama’s things
•USA – Joji and Bebet do an inventory
•Create a glass case for Papa, Mama, Girlie and Boyette’s belongings e.g. Papa’s plaid shirt
•Coordinate between Joji/Bebet and Nic
•Preserve in USA or Manila (not decided)
Mama’s SSS Funds
•Current funds in the 2 accounts (?)
•Money to be accounted for by Bebet
•Money use to be decided
•Bebet to inform the Social
Funeral Expenses
•Nic took care of the funeral expenses
•If anyone would like to contribute, contact Nic directly
•Title is in the name of the living siblings plus Ina, Pancho and Nana – this should be corrected so that the Ina, Pancho and Nana will have the equivalent of one share.
•Current value (guestimate) 400-500 K USD
•Nic will present the amount of taxes that has been paid (by him?)
•Baliwag lot future – to be decided by siblings living in Manila and the rest will be informed
Family Constitution
•Create a written family constitution
•Purpose of the constitution is to continue Mama and Papa’s legacy: values, principles, history, relationship
•Outline to be drafted by Nenette – to be emailed asap so that we do not forget – due date May 2011
oDeclaration of Principles and Values e.g. tolerance, generosity
oCaring for the family – no matter what
oLooking up to the Alejandro’s
oScheduled Christmas reunions are mandatory
Mama’s Family – The Mirandas
•We will continue to help as before – Janina, Nenette and Nic have been giving help/cash every now and then
•SSS to be given to the Miranda family
•Medical needs for Aida, Iyay and Jim should be taken care of
•Manila siblings to keep everyone posted via email
•If amount needed is substantial – inform everybody so everyone can help
Family Covenant Keeper
•Mama left a note “Family Covenant – Keeper Nic” (there was a date written ?)
•Should the keeper be everyone and not only Nic
•What does this mean? Guidance (legal/medical) and support (including financial) between the Alejandro-Miranda
Family Tree
•Noel will create the family tree
•Include documents, pictures and video
NOTE: Text in red are up for correction //Pierina